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Essential Questions - Chapter Eleven

Essential Questions - Chapter Eleven

Q Why did the United States experience a market revolution after 1815? Solution:

Q Why did Andrew Jackson defeat John Quincy Adams so dramatically in 1828 election? Why did Jackson promote Indian removal?How did evangelical Protestantism contribute to the social reform movements if the 1830s?How did slavery figure as a campaign issue in the election of 1836?

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A peaceful time was witnessed by the nation with the entering of the United States in 1815 due to which opportunities came up in numbers so that there is improvement in the economy. Improvement was experienced by the nation in the facilities of transportation. This provided rise in turn to flow of people, information, and commodities in a smooth manner. There was increase in the opportunities of job in the textile mills and factories by which employment was provided for unmarried women and men. Ground was found by legal activities and activities of banking.